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My book writing began in 2017, during my recovery after suffering a heart attack. The first book was the Frog's Garden which has been followed by another 7 children's books. These were followed by two young adult fiction novels, (part three still to be started). All of which are on the main page. In 2011, I re-connected with an old school friend and fellow biker, Dave Smith. We began talking regularly on the phone and have met a few times. After completing my first book, I asked him if he would take a look and give me his honest opinion. Thankfully he enjoyed it but Dave did notice a few errors which he kindly pointed out. This was the beginning of a partnership that is still going strong. Dave now helps me with all my books and will admit to enjoying this task.

In December of 2020, I had an idea for a Detective novel. To say that Dave was less than enthusiastic would be an understatement and there was a heated debate, but our friendship remained firm. However, he has since embraced this latest genre of books to the extent that he frequently offers up ideas, many of which find there way into print in some form or another. The conversations we now have during our 'editing' sessions leads to an improved story line and reading experience. Dave's help is invaluable in creating a book fit for publishing, even his long suffering partner Gail gets involved.


In September 2021, I suffered another heart attack which meant I stopped writing temporarily.


The Detective novels feature an ex-detective, Steve 'Flats' Magull and is set in the early 1970's. All of them will feature fun named characters and a gentle story. I do hope you will enjoy them.

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